VR Development in Unreal Engine

Transform your architectural concepts, projects for real estate and design ideas into the world of virtual reality via Unreal Engine. Press the button below to start the work on your project in VR.

The difference of project presentation in static visualizations from virtual reality is in interactiveness and realism. Due to virtual reality you can present your projects to the customers and investors in the real time mode and in a full scale. Independently on whether you are an architect, designer, developer, realtor or the production owner your sales will increase significantly due to projects’ development via Unreal Engine. While demonstrating the projects with the usage of virtual reality to the client, you give them the opportunity to feel inside a room, to feel the volumes, to see the scenery from the window and even to score the appropriate textile or the way the floor looks. Except for this the usage of VR allows to demonstrate functional aspects of your projects with a new level of detailing. Due to Unreal Engine we can create animated actions in virtual models, which allows to not only show the aesthetics and style, but also the functionality of the project - from the movement to the changing of the color and texture. Such an approach increases the attention and client’s involvement, allowing them to not only look, but also to test the project in dynamics. VR absolutely changes the perception of your projects. Download the catalog of our realized projects in the sphere of VR and not only, to be certain that we are the very partner which you need for your ideas’ realization. 


Our portfolio is not just a set of works, it is our history, which we create together with our incredible customers. Here you’ll find our projects in VR and beyond. Every of them demonstrates our skills and passion for creating unique and remarkable visual solutions.

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It may seem that everybody who knows how to work in VR makes it identically. But we are assured that it’s not like that. The development of architectural and design projects in Unreal Engine requires exceptional mastery and talent from 3D artists, to create naturally impressive projects. You can find such works in our portfolio - the projects which change the perception and make every space even more impressive due to the power of virtual reality.

Lets start your project right now!

Proceed to the development of your project in the world of virtual reality! Plan the discussion with our Business Development Manager today and we’ll start the work ob your breathtaking VR-project tomorrow.


If you are looking for VR development with the usage of Unreal Engine, our services are irreplaceable for you, especially if you are:

Architects and designers

who desire to improve the method of presentation of their projects using advanced VR technologies for creation of more bright and memorable visual impressions for our clients.
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Developers in the real estate sphere

which need to make a great impression on the investors and to flamingly present their new projects via virtual reality.
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Producing companies

seeking to enhance product and process planning with interactive VR models for more effective pre-production assessment.
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Marketing agencies

who strive to approach to advertising companies and presentations innovatively using VR to create immersive and involving experience.
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Price on VR project

Click the button and fill out the form below to provide your contact details. Once we receive your information, we will send you a price list for VR project development using Unreal Engine.

The process of VR project development

The preliminary specifications’ (PS) study

We receive PS from the customer. Carefully analyze your requirements and specifications to completely understand the aims of the project and your expectations.

The team formation

We create a team of specialists and plan in detail the work stages, set the deadline and confirm them with the customer. Then proceed to work on the project.

3D models creation in 3Ds Max

We develop detailed 3D models rendering every element of your project with ultimate accuracy.

Scene import in Unreal Engine

We transfer completed models in Unreal Engine, where we apply advanced technologies and utensils to provide compatibility and to achieve high quality of visualizations.

Scene setting and optimization

We make delicate scene tuning, which includes lighting, textures and materials, and also carry out optimization for production improvement.

Work on interactivity

At the customer’s will we realize interactive elements and functions in accordance with your requirements, add animation and dynamic effects for the project to be not only visually attractive, but also functional.

Preliminary review

We send you the project for the review. The customer may give their remarks and wishes concerning modifications and after that we make necessary corrections and finalize the project.

Final project delivery

After project affirmation we provide the customer with a complete archive of materials, which are ready for usage.


How to start the development of your project via Unreal Engine? It’s easy, just fill in the form below, tell us about your project and after that we will contact you for detailed discussion and will start the work.
Thank you! We will contact you soon.

Advantages of project’s presentation in VR

Interactivity and immersion. VR technologies allow customers not just to look at a static picture of the project, but to completely immerse in it. This creates the feeling of a real presence in an offered space, improving the perception and the understanding of the project, its scale and depth.
Realistic visualization. With the usage of Unreal Engine, VR provides high quality, detailed visualizations. Shadows, lighting, textures - everything is reconstructed with an ultimate accuracy, giving the project liveliness and incredible realism.
Efficient functionality demonstration. VR allows to demonstrate not only exterior, but also functional aspects of the project, including animation of moving elements and the interaction with them.
Reasonable decision taking. The customers and investors may estimate better and make the right choice proceeding from a more complete and volume project’s presentation. This is critically important in architecture and design, in the construction and real estate sphere, and also in the sphere of any production, where good presentation of the product plays a crucial role.
The flexibility and interactivity in the correction process. The usage of VR in combination with Unreal Engine provides unbelievable flexibility in the process of the selection and project presentation. We offer an interactive configurator which allows the customer in the real time mode to experiment with different variants of the materials, colors and other elements of design and architecture. This not only speeds up the process of confirmation and applying corrections, but also allows the clients to demonstrably see and estimate different variants of their project, smoothing the final decision taking.
The improvement of clients’ experience and sales. The presentation of the projects in VR significantly improves clients’ experience making presentations more impressive and memorable. This contributes to interest increasing and, as a result, sales rise.

Advantages of project’s presentation in VR

Interactivity and immersion. VR technologies allow customers not just to look at a static picture of the project, but to completely immerse in it. This creates the feeling of a real presence in an offered space, improving the perception and the understanding of the project, its scale and depth.
Realistic visualization. With the usage of Unreal Engine, VR provides high quality, detailed visualizations. Shadows, lighting, textures - everything is reconstructed with an ultimate accuracy, giving the project liveliness and incredible realism.
Efficient functionality demonstration. VR allows to demonstrate not only exterior, but also functional aspects of the project, including animation of moving elements and the interaction with them.
Reasonable decision taking. The customers and investors may estimate better and make the right choice proceeding from a more complete and volume project’s presentation. This is critically important in architecture and design, in the construction and real estate sphere, and also in the sphere of any production, where good presentation of the product plays a crucial role.
The flexibility and interactivity in the correction process. The usage of VR in combination with Unreal Engine provides unbelievable flexibility in the process of the selection and project presentation. We offer an interactive configurator which allows the customer in the real time mode to experiment with different variants of the materials, colors and other elements of design and architecture. This not only speeds up the process of confirmation and applying corrections, but also allows the clients to demonstrably see and estimate different variants of their project, smoothing the final decision taking.
The improvement of clients’ experience and sales. The presentation of the projects in VR significantly improves clients’ experience making presentations more impressive and memorable. This contributes to interest increasing and, as a result, sales rise.
Marketing opportunities. VR represents a powerful marketing tool, which allows the creation of unique advertisement companies. Virtual reality attracts the attention of potential customers and partners, providing them with a unique and exciting experience, which emphasizes your brand on the competitors’ background.


In MAVERICK FRAME STUDIO we understand that for impressive VR projects creation it is necessary to use only the best software. We use 3Ds Max for creation of accurate and detailed 3D models, that way we provide the basis for every VR project. This tool allows to embody difficult designs with high accuracy and realism. Then, by the means of Unreal Engine, we transform these models into virtual scenes, adding interactivity and immersion, which are vital for a realistic VR experience. This combination provides high quality and depth for every project, offering clients matchless visual experience.


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The core thing in work on any virtual reality project is a professional team. We are proud of our 3D artists, because each of them is a true profissional, perfectionist, careful for details, which is of the uttermost importance in VR projects development. The cohesion of our team, which possesses profile education and vast experience in the sphere of 3D graphics and work in Unreal Engine, allows us to realize projects of any difficulty, providing a high level of final result in every project.
3d artist studio57

Zaur Zeynalov


3d artist studio57

Liza Reed


Ivan Berger


Afzalshoh Shodiev


project manager studio57

Melvin Eydrian

Head of Visualization Department

3d artist studio57

Ilya Moreau


Alexander Kasperovich


The main difference between us and “them”?


Alexander Kasperovich

We do not just hire a “professional”. We cultivate talents. Every specialist in our team is chosen for their unique skills and aspiration for perfection in every project. All 3D artists went through our internal school and also a number of supplementary courses. That’s why we are confident that your project will be done by a real professional. Except for this, we believe that the attention to details and aspiration for innovations is a key for amazing VR projects creation. If you are in search of a partner, which is able to embody your vision into the virtual reality, press the button below and contact me. I will personally discuss the project with you and demonstrate to you our mastery and loyalty to quality.


Alexander Kasperovich


We described 6 reasons which will tell you why you should choose our studio for your VR project development. If you need more information about us and our services, just contact us.

Technical mastery

Our team uses advanced technologies of Unreal Engine for amazing VR projects creation with high accuracy and detailing.

Innovative solutions

We constantly analyze new approaches and VR tools to offer our clients the most modern and efficient solutions for incredible VR projects creation.

Individual approach

Every project in VR is developed in accordance to all the requirements and objectives of the client. This way it provides absolute satisfaction with the quality of the final result.

High productivity and quality

The usage of Unreal Engine allows us to achieve high graphic quality while optimizing the productivity, which is crucial for VR projects.

Flexibility and interactivity

We provide opportunities for real interaction with the project in the virtual reality, which makes our works more attractive and memorable.

Professional team

Our staff consists of experienced 3D artists and VR developers, guaranteeing a high level of professionalism and quality on every stage of project development.

Our Clients

General FAQs

We are prepared to address all your inquiries about VR development in Unreal Engine. Simply reach out to us, and we'll supply you with all the information you need

VR, or virtual reality, is a technologie, which creates simulating environment, which imitates the real or invented world. In the context of development via Unreal Engine, VR allows to create high detailed and interactive virtual spaces. Using Unreal Engine the developers can embody difficult architectural, design and educational projects in VR, providing the users with the ability to immerse themselves into realistic virtual scenes and to interact with them in the real time mode. This technology is used widely in different fields, including architecture, design and construction.

In the sphere of real estate virtual reality (VR) is ised for creation of interactive and realistic virtual tours on the objects. This allows potential customers or investors to see the immovables in a detailed 3D environment wherever they are. VR tours may include both existing objects and the ones which are in the process of development or construction. This gives an opportunity to better understand the area, design, disposition and other key aspects of real estate, which is especially useful while purchasing or investing on the early stages of construction. VR also can be used for demonstration of different variants of finishing and furnishing, allowing customers to visualize the way their future space will look like.

For an Unreal Engine scene order for your project you need to provide us preliminary specifications, which usually include:


  • Links: the archive with the references of desired quality, atmosphere and final result (interior/exterior, the minimum of 5 examples)
  • Materials: the archive with the materials for the project in any form – images/textures/plans with finishing (with a precise indication of where each material should be used)
  • Aspect angles: the archive with indication of angles on the plan or screenshots of aspect angles from any programs
  • The photos of the object/area: the archive with the photos of the object and its environment, top plan view (if it is available)


  • Architectural plans: the archive with the blueprints of the project in any format PDF or CAD files.

    • Model: the archive withthe models of house/landscape/products, etc. in the formats (.fbx), (.3ds), (.obj), (.max), (.skp), (.rvt).

The terms of the project in Unreal Engine starts from one month and may vary depending on the scale and difficulty of the task. To define a more precise deadline a severe scrutiny of the preliminary specifications is required. This allows us to estimate all the requirements of the project and to develop the schedule of performance. Contact us to learn more about the terms for your project’s development.

We offer next services for VR project development:

  • VR passing. We create interactive visual tours, allowing the users to review and study the area in detail, which is especially precious for architectural and real estate projects.
  • VR configurator. We develop configurators, which allow the user, in the real time mode, to change design elements, such as materials, colors and finishing.
  • VR simulators. We create simulators for different goals: from education and training to demonstration of the work of difficult mechanisms and technologies.

The price of the VR tour may vary greatly due to the difficulty of the project, its volume and specific requirements. To define an accurate price it is necessary to consider such factors as scene detailing, the number of interactive elements and the usage of special effects. To receive precise estimation of the price of your VR tour project development we recommend to contact us to discuss the details and requirements.

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